Your school needs a good samaritan!

A lot of what Jesus tried to teach people when he walked here on earth was fairly basic when you think about it. To treat others as you would like to be treated or to show love to your fellow humans are pretty obvious things. And still, we humans can have such a hard time actually making that a part of our lifestyle. 

In Luke Jesus tells a story about a man who is assaulted and wounded when he’s on his way from one town to another. It’s so bad that he is on the brink of death at the side of the road. And yet the priest who comes by after a while doesn’t stop for him. Nor does the person who works at the temple. They look at the wounded man but for some reason, it’s too difficult or uncomfortable to bow down and help him. Or they’re thinking it won’t matter anyway. At last, a man comes along who doesn’t belong to a popular group. An unexpected person that nobody counted on. But that is the person who knows what it is to love the people around them and thinks it’s worth some discomfort to save someone’s life. We know him as the good samaritan. 


So what does the good samaritan have to do with us? In a time when it’s easier to shrug and say “who cares?” young people who choose to do the opposite are needed. Young people who see the value in being a person that sometimes dares to risk some discomfort for the sake of love. Modern rebels of love who refuse to accept that someone in their school sits alone, have to endure nasty comments, or doesn’t get a chance to hear that they are loved. 

At your school, there probably isn't anyone who lies physically wounded in the corridor. But if you could see into the soul, the thoughts and heart of your classmates maybe you’d see other kinds of wounds. Maybe someone sitting beside you at lunch wonders if there’s a meaning to life. Someone who looks in the same bathroom mirror wonders if they have any value. Someone who sits beside you in the library going through something tough at home. There is someone at your school who needs you to care. You have to have the mindset that it’s about a way of life and not things we do to be able to check them off a list. Your school or your university needs a good samaritan. Be the difference and dare to stop and show love! What you do can make rings on the water of eternity. 

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